Chasing Harry Winston Goes Underground
If you've been on a subway in New York lately, you might have caught a glimpse of the Chasing Harry Winston ad campaign. There are posters plastered all over the stations and trains (making for some unnerving morning commutes for my friends and family who innocently glance up, only to find me maniacally grinning at them from above). Mike snapped a picture of one such poster where a creative rider had blacked out my two front teeth, and he can't stop showing it to people, all the while cracking up and saying things like, "That was a couple weeks ago. Can you imagine what they've done to her now?" I'll spare you that one, but check these out:
I cannot WAIT to buy this book! You are such an inspiration to us New York twenty/thirty something's. After I saw "The Devil Wears Prada," I was inspired to start my own blog, I work a finance job and needed a creative outlet. Keep inspiring us, Lauren! All the best...
hey lauren
while i accept chasing harry winston is a great book, it is sad that you make the thirty somethings like "old" people. i can understand if you had written the book on 40 s some nt 30 still considered 2 be "happening" age or am i mistaken?
I just finished reading this book the other day and I loved it. Now I just need to read Everyone worth knowing.
I found this book very interesting. It was partly funny and excited.It is a very great novel. Thanks to the author Lauren Weisberger
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